We get it!
Trading and finding winners in a TOUGH market is difficult.
WE are able to generate investor interest by introducing your company to a variety of different sectors that you might not already be considering in your IR plan.
We use our institutional investor network as well as retail investors interested in everything from tech to exploration and mining, to marijuana.
In crazy markets, our investors are looking outside their traditional investments into alternative hedges.
We can use the entire power of our 20-year network to get your story in front of people who know we are hungry to find alternatives.
Your company or offering can be that alternative!
Our Investors Demand Giant Gains
We released a TLSS alert to our subscribers on 5/26/20 in the morning with an opening price of.0829. On day one, it closed at $.1499, representing an increase of 80.82 %. On 5/27/20, TLSS reached a high of $.244, representing a gain of up to 194.33% in just two days!
On 3/5/19, we released Golden Matrix Group, Inc. (PINK:GMGI) at a price of just $.0001. It remained an active alert through 2020 and reached a high of $7.55 on 8/25/20, 1,997.22% above its initial release price of $.0024.
We offer different lists for different sectors to combat volatility
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